25 December 2017

6 Tips To Keep Your Eyes Health To Keep Your Vision Good

Simple questions about how to keep Eye health to stay good?

Maintaining health is recommended and mandatory for all humans, including me and you. The eye becomes one of the vital tools of human beings although in the guard to keep the eyes awake and avoid the less than perfect vision.

Often meet people around young people, and even still Children wear glasses. And one of the consequences of the eye is not good with lingering in front of the computer or playing games on your smartphone.

Of course everyone including you crave eyes to stay good, for that let us know how to maintain eye health and the best tips for healthy eyes and stay alert.

Here are tips to keep your eyes healthy and stay healthy.

1). Intake of Good & Nutritious Food

Good eye health begins by preparing good and nutritious food on your plate. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc, and vitamins C and E can help overcome age-related vision problems such as macular degeneration and cataracts.

To get good food, fill your plate with:

  • Vegetables or green leaves such as spinach, kale, and seeds
  • Salmon, tuna, and other oily fish
  • Eggs, nuts, and other non-meat protein sources
  • Citrus and citrus fruit or other juices
  • Oysters and pork

2). Quit smoking

The more often you try to quit smoking, the more likely you are to leave roko. Although certainly difficult but the impact is good for your body health and also your eyes in the future. And it is advisable to directly ask for help from a specialist if you have trouble while doing the quit smoking program.

If not quitting smoking make you more likely to get cataracts, damaging your optic nerve, and macular degeneration. If you've tried to do that habit before just to start again, just go ahead.

3). Wear Black Sunglasses

Couple the right shades will help protect your eyes from the sun's ultraviolet rays (UV rays). Too much exposure to UV rays increases the likelihood of cataracts and macular degeneration.

Choose a pair that blocks 99% to 100% UVA and UVB rays. Wraparound lenses help protect your eyes from the side. Polarized lenses reduce glare as you drive.

If wearing contact lenses, some offer UV protection. Still a great idea to wear sunglasses for an extra layer.

4). Use Safety Glasses

If you use hazardous materials or air at work or at home, wear protective goggles or protective goggles.

Sports such as ice hockey, racquetball, and lacrosse can also cause eye injury. Wear eye protection. Helmet with protective mask or sport sunglasses with polycarbonate lens will protect your eyes.

5). See Away From Computer Screen

Staring at a computer screen or mobile phone for too long can cause:

  • Eye strain
  • Viewpoint
  • Difficulty focusing attention from a distance
  • Dry eyes
  • Headache
  • Neck, back, and shoulder pain

To protect your eyes to stay awake and healthy:

  • Make sure your glasses or contact recipes are up to date and nice to see the computer screen.
  • If your eye strain will not go away, talk to your doctor about your computer's glasses.
  • Move the screen so your eyes align with the top of the monitor. This lets you see a little bit down on the screen.
  • Try to avoid glare from windows and lights. Use anti-glare screen if needed.
  • Choose a comfortable chair and supportive. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
  • If your eyes dry, blink more.
  • Rest your eyes every 20 minutes. Look 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Wake up at least every 2 hours and rest 15 minutes.
 A balanced diet also helps you stay healthy. This lowers your chances of being obese and related illnesses such as type 2 diabetes, which is a major cause of adult blindness.

6). Consult With Your Optometrist

Eye examination can also find diseases, such as glaucoma, which has no symptoms. It's important to see them early on, because it's easier to treat.

Everyone needs regular eye checks, even a small child. It helps protect, maintain, and maintain the health of your eyesight and let your eyes look good.

Depending on your eye health needs, you can see one of two types of doctors:

The ophthalmologist is a medical doctor who specializes in eye care. They can provide general eye care, treat eye diseases, and perform eye surgery.

Optometrists have 4 years of specialized training after college. They provide general eye care and treat the most common eye diseases. They do not do eye surgery.

A comprehensive eye exam includes:

Talk about your personal and family health history

The vision test to see if you are nearsighted, farsighted, has astigmatism (inverted curvature of the cornea), or presbyopia (age-related vision changes)

Test to see how well your eyes work together

Eye pressure and optic nerve tests to check for glaucoma

External and microscopic examination of your eyes before and after dilatation.

Thus information on "Keeping Eye Health Tips To Stay Safe", and keep your eyes as good as possible to avoid bad vision, as well as other diseases that cause damage to the eye and make sure your eyes are always on guard of health.

19 December 2017

35 Natural Tips To Get Beautiful Skin On The Face And Body Of Women

35 Natural Tips To Get Beautiful Skin On The Face And Body Of Women - Surely almost all women secretly wish to have flawless skin. So, they often try facial scrubs, body fairness creams, and other beauty serum available on the market. Simply to get healthy skin on face and body naturally and look beautiful.

There is no harm in using beauty products to make you as good as possible. Even so, if you can make homemade facial and body packaging to make you look naturally beautiful with no side effects, will you still choose synthetic products?

What's more, all the ingredients for making homemade facial and body packaging are always available in your kitchen, therefore, you really do not have to invest in a luxurious skin care lotion to get a glowing and smooth skin.

Following some simple and healthy habits along with eating right is one of the easiest ways to look beautiful. If you are looking for a natural solution to get a glowing skin and look smooth.

We will reveal some secrets to you some of the above tips on how to get beautiful skin on face and body naturally without using drugs or chemical skin care cream.

In this article, we will discuss about the complete list and beauty solutions to get healthy skin with easy-to-find ingredients in your home.

However, this is not just about prescribing facial and body skin care. We also managed to include a list of special foods for skin beauty and faces and body look beautiful and sexy, generally that is often ignored by everyone (Women).

This post is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide medical advice. Continue reading this article to find the best 35 tips for having beautiful skin in greater detail!

35 Natural Tips For Getting Beautiful Skin On The Face And Body Of Women

Following the right diet combined with practicing a good skin care routine and applying natural beauty solutions is the best method to get beautiful skin on face and body naturally and quickly at home.

Here's what you can do to get the beautiful skin you want.

Eat Regular Food That Can Make Beautiful Skin

1). Whole Grains

The most important thing for skin health is not what you wear, but what you eat.

This means eating good food will help you keep skin healthy and beautiful naturally. Whole grains are packed with fine fibers to remove inflammation. It also helps stabilize your blood sugar levels and decreases insulin spikes.

These foods contain zinc which helps repair skin damage, maintain smoothness and flexibility, and regulate sebum production. In addition, the biotin B-vitamins served in whole grains can help skin cells process fat without making the skin dry and scaly.

You also need to remember to drink plenty of water to keep skin hydrated. Green tea and herbal tea are also good, however, you need to keep away from soda and sweet juice.

2). Parsley

Do you want to know how to get beautiful skin with parsley?

Parsley is a source of vitamin K that helps the skin in healing itself and improves elasticity and good skin tone. In addition, parsley is also rich in vitamin A and C, so may have the ability to clean the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as clean the stain and reduce redness at the same time.

Eaten with volatile essential oils have antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can disinfect pores while preventing acne. So, add parsley to your daily diet to get beautiful, smooth, and soft skin, to your liking.

3). Brazil Nuts

To get beautiful and flawless skin, follow a diet rich in selenium to protect you from sun damage, melanoma, and age spots.

Just a handful of Brazil nuts can give your body a daily supply of selenium. In addition, there are more antioxidants found in Brazil nuts, which work together with vitamins C and A to improve the immune system.

Some other good sources that contain selenium are seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, chia), wheat germ, meat, and more. In addition, many nuts also include vitamin E which helps hold the skin in moisture.

4). Berries

Vitamin C that supports the immune system also helps the skin heal well and provides a glowing appearance.

Vitamin C is a great antioxidant for skin health. The goal is to have a lot of vitamin C intake into the body that will make the skin become more smooth and toned by increasing the production of collagen.

To increase vitamin C intake into the body, you can eat foods rich in vitamin C such as blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, black currants, and more. Comfortably, this food also helps reduce sugar compared to many other fruits.

5). Carrot

Eating carrots will give you great eyesight. It is rich in vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant, which comes in the form of beta carotene.

A regular eating carrot will help maintain good eyesight, bones, and teeth while ensuring normal skin cell development and strengthening skin tone to make it look smoother and radiant.

6). Wild Salmon

Wild salmon is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that help keep your skin supple and moist. Plus, salmon has selenium, known as a mineral, which can protect the skin from exposure to sunlight.

Furthermore, vitamin D found in salmon can keep your bones and teeth healthy and strong. You will have no problem adding salmon to your diet as there are many ways to benefit from this super beauty meal.

You can try it baked, baked, in sushi, with salad, your pasta, or just with asparagus sides.

7). Spinach

Eating is a necessity, but eating intelligently is an art.

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that is rich in antioxidants and nutrients. Regular consumption of green leafy vegetables can help maintain eye health and shine thanks to lutein laden in it.

Spinach is also a great source of minerals and vitamins such as vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids. Simply, you just have to saute the spinach for a healthy and fast side.

Eating smart will not only make you smart, it's a smart thing to do. You will be at a much lower risk of relying on doctors and medicines to take care of your health.

8). Oysters

Oysters really aphrodisiacs; However, they are a great source of zinc that helps renew and repair skin cells. Zinc also helps keep nails, hair, and healthy eyes. Who wants an aphrodisiac when you feel and look beautiful?

9). Tomato

Tomatoes are a source of lycopene anti-aging antioxidants. Surprisingly, lycopene in tomatoes is absorbed more easily by the body when processed or cooked, so be sure to stock tomato sauce, ketchup and tomato juice.

10). Walnut

Another tip how to get beautiful skin is to eat more walnuts. You do not need to consume a cup of walnuts to enjoy the benefits they offer such as healthy hair, smoother skin, strong bones, and brighter eyes.

You just need to get some of your daily nutrients such as vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids by including some walnuts into salads, desserts, or pasta or consume a handful of your own.

11). Kiwi

This is a small, fuzzy, fruit-packed fruit packed with antioxidants and vitamin C that keeps skin firmly toned, helps prevent wrinkles, and is great for healthy bones and teeth.

Additionally, the antioxidants found in kiwi also help protect you from the risk of cancer and heart disease.

12). Dark Chocolate

All you need is love. But a little brown now and then it does not hurt.

Actually, chocolate can make life better. Black chocolate can lower the risk of heart disease by reducing blood glucose and bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol levels.

Dark chocolate also helps keep skin hydrated and protects the skin from sun damage. Contrary to popular belief is that moderate consumption of dark chocolate will not cause acne.

You should choose the type of chocolate, which has a high flavanol content and at least 60% cocoa. In order for your skin to look supple and also smooth as a newborn baby skin.

13). Yogurt

1 cup of low-fat yogurt will have more calcium than 1 cup of fat-free milk that is great for your nails, posture and teeth. You just need to mix it with granola or fruit for a healthy breakfast or an important afternoon snack.

Apply Some Natural And Best Beauty Solutions To get your face and body look smoother.

14). Tea Water, Rice Flour, And Honey Face Pack

Antioxidants found in tea water can help smooth the free radicals and toxins from your skin. In addition, adding honey can help protect the face from bacteria while keeping it hydrated.

Rice flour works as a very good scrub while honey moisturizes the skin. Here are step by step instructions that show how to get beautiful skin with tea water, rice flour, and honey.

Materials to prepare:

  • 1 cup of cooled tea water
  • ½ spoon of honey
  • 2 tablespoons of rice flour

Step by Step Instructions:

  • You mix the ingredients well
  • Then you apply to the skin.
  • You leave it on your skin until the mask dries completely about 20 minutes or so.
  • You make sure you will massage in a circular motion before you clean the mask with water. This is an important step because it helps remove dead skin while removing skin tone.
  • Then, you wash facial skin with cold water.
  • Following this method several times per week will give you a skin tone that is younger and even whiter.

15). Try Using Lemon, Honey, Cucumber And Sugar Ingredients

One other easy tip on how to get beautiful skin is by applying lemon medicine. This fruit is a good ingredient, which you can apply to get a healthy and clear skin.

Lemon has citric acid which helps you in maintaining skin hygiene by removing your dead skin cells.

Lemon also has a high amount of vitamin C that helps you in reducing your black spots because it improves your cell renewal process.

In addition, this fruit provides bleaching properties, which can improve the overall skin. To use lemons to get beautiful skin, here are 3 simple ways you can follow at home with ease:

Method 1:

  • You apply fresh lemon juice to your face and neck as a whole.
  • Then you let it sit on the affected skin for about 10 minutes,
  • Next, flush your skin with warm water.
  • Next, you rub the cucumber slices on your skin to help soften & moisturize them.
  • Finally, you do this every day.

Method 2:

  • Another option on how to get beautiful skin using lemon is to squeeze the lemon juice 1/2, then mix it with 1 or 2 tablespoons of raw honey.
  • Then you apply it on your face
  • Next, you leave about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Finally, you rinse it with water and follow this way every day so that the skin on your face and body look beautiful and fascinating.

Method 3:

Regular exfoliation is also another way to make skin beautiful.

  • You mix 2 tablespoons of sugar with 2 spoon of lemon juice,
  • Then you apply this mixture over face, hands, neck and other body parts.
  • You rub your skin in a circular motion
  • Then you leave it there for 10 minutes.
  • Finally, you rinse with warm water.
  • You can follow this way 1 or 2 times a week to get a glowing skin.

16). How to Get Beautiful Skin with Oats and Lemon Face Pack

Oats can work as natural exfoliators. It is also hypoallergenic and suitable for people with eczema. To use oats to get the body slim, use it on your skin to clean it from dirt, excess oil, and dirt.

In addition, lemon is a great source of vitamin C and gives you the skin-lightening properties. You can combine wheat with lemon to give your skin a break from many harsh chemicals.

Here are step by step instructions that show how to get beautiful skin with oats and lemon face pack.

All the ingredients that need to be prepared to make the skin beautiful:

  • 1 tablespoon of wheat; Pounded and cooked (this will help relieve inflammation as well as heal the skin).
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice (this will help lighten your skin tone)
  • If you have sensitive skin, dilute lemon juice with water.

Step by Step Instructions:

  • You mix the ingredients above this and then you rub them into your face by gently monitoring them on the skin.
  • You let it dry for about 20 minutes.
  • You wash and dry.
  • Continue to follow oatmeal and lemon face pack for light skin and lighter face.

17). Turmeric And Lemon Face Pack

Turmeric is one of the best ingredients for beautiful skin. It is a skin peeling agent, and also has the ability to prevent your skin aging. You can mix turmeric with gram flour or nuts to inhibit the growth of facial hair and give you a more beautiful skin.

In addition, turmeric is often found in natural treatment solutions for acne, stretch marks, wrinkles, and stains. Furthermore, mixing lemon juice with turmeric will make this herb a great skin-justice agent.

Here are step by step instructions that show how to get beautiful skin with turmeric and lemon face pack.

All the ingredients you need to make saffron and lemon packaging:

  • Gram flour
  • Milk
  • Turmeric
  • Lemon juice

Step by Step Instructions:

  • You mix all the ingredients above this and then you apply them evenly to the face.
  • You rub this paste gently onto your face for about 5 minutes and then let it dry for about 20 minutes.
  • Once dry, you just have to clean your face.
  • Follow this solution regularly to see a significant increase in your skin

18). Turmeric And Tomato Face Pack

Turmeric has many benefits on the skin. In addition, lycopene present in tomatoes will help you in reducing redness, skin irritation, as well as DNA damage from the sun's ultraviolet rays. Even so, you do not forget to apply sunscreen altogether.

Lycopene is known as an antioxidant, which can protect your face from sun damage. In addition, it is also a great anti-aging agent; Therefore, it is better to stay young and healthy with a tomato diet!

Here are step by step instructions that show how to get beautiful skin with turmeric and tomato wrappers.

Materials to prepare:

  • Some Turmeric
  • Some Tomato Juice

Step by Step Instructions:

  • You mix some turmeric with some tomato juice.
  • Then you apply the mixture to your face
  • You let it dry.
  • Then you clean the mixture with warm water.Another option: You use tomato pulp and massage it on your skin. Then, you let it sit there for about 15 to 20 minutes. After that, you rinse with water. If done every day, this solution will help you bring significant changes to your skin.

19). Turmeric, Milk, and Gram Flour Face Pack

This skincare recipe is known as an all-time favorite for the bride before the wedding day!

Here are step by step instructions that show how to get beautiful skin with turmeric, milk, & gram pack flour.

Materials to prepare:

  • Pinching turmeric (will lighten your skin tone)
  • Some gram flour (a good exfoliator)
  • Some milk (moisturizer)


  • You mix all these ingredients and then you apply the mask.
  • You gently rub the paste into your face for about 5 minutes
  • Then you let it dry for about 20 minutes.
  • When dry, you can clean your face.

20). Yogurt And Orange Dry Skin

Orange is a good source of vitamin C, and it is also a beautiful skin tonic. Using oranges will help you in curing and preventing acne, and then keep you away from other skin problems.

Yogurt is not only suitable for your health, but also makes the skin glow.

"There's nothing better and safer than yogurt for the skin."

Using plain yogurt will fight skin dicolouration, acne, and signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. One of the best things to say about yogurt is that this herb is the most efficient mosturizer for all skin types.

To make a recipe for a beautiful skin, you should prepare it:

  • Yogurt Fresh and Tasteless
  • Dry Orange Peel

Step by Step Instructions:

  • You grind some dry orange peel.
  • Then you mix 1 tablespoon of fresh and unsweetened yoghurt with 1 tablespoon ground orange peel.
  • You mix it well to make pasta.
  • Next, you apply the paste to your skin and you keep it there for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Finally, you rinse off the pasta with water.

21). How To Get Beautiful Skin With Yogurt And Lemon

Do you want to know how to get beautiful skin with yogurt and lemon?

Both lemon and yogurt can moisturize the skin while removing stains, which makes the face look dull. Making a lemon and yogurt combination will help you add graduation in the face.

Materials to prepare:

  • Fresh Lemon Juice
  • Yogurt Fresh and Tasteless

Directions You Can Follow at Home Easily:

  • You mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon fresh and tasteless yoghurt
  • Then you mix it up
  • You apply the mixture to your skin
  • Then you apply on a clean facial skin for about 15 to 20 minutes
  • Finally, you rinse with water.

This will not only make your skin brighter but will also reduce acne scars and black spots on your skin.

22). How to Get Beautiful Skin with Milk, Lemon Juice And Honey

The combination of raw milk, lemon juice, and honey not only makes your skin naturally bright, but also locks moisture in your skin. This combination will act as a physical barrier, while protecting your skin from damage from almost environmental factors such as pollution.

You Will Prepare:

  • Milk
  • Lemon Juice
  • Honey


  • You use 1 tbsp of milk or milk powder, 1 tsp honey, and 1 tsp lemon juice, then you mix it evenly to make a paste.
  • Next, you apply this mixture to your clean skin
  • You leave it for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Finally, you can rinse with water.

23). How To Get Beautiful Skin Natural With Milk And Saffron

Saffron is known as the greatest leather justice agent. This food is more expensive than other foods; However, to have a golden glow, it is worth investing in this herb.


  • Milk is cold, raw, not plated - about 2 to 3 tsp
  • Some strands of kesar or turmeric


  • You put about 5 or 6 pieces of kesar or raw saffron
  • You let it last about 3 to 4 hours.
  • You clean your neck and face, then you apply this mixture.
  • You leave it on your skin for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Finally, you can wash it with water while gently massaging.

This is one effective tip how to get beautiful skin. This solution will make your skin soft and smooth. In addition, raw milk is not heavy; Thus, it will be suitable for all skin types.

The Basics of Other Skin Care

"Skin care is good enough to eat!"

Understanding good skin care is knowing all parts of the skin, and if you do not know it, then you can not really cure it. Keep reading to discover more other tips on how to get beautiful skin naturally at home!

1). Avoid Wash Your Face with Hot Water

Hot water will cause redness and irritation in almost anyone with sensitive skin and some people with normal skin. In addition, hot water can dry out a delicate facial skin, resulting in many types of skin problems, from splinters, red dermis to breakouts.

It is best to wash your face with a little warm water or water-water temperature.

2). Use Good Oil For Your Skin Type

Use a vegetable oil that helps moisturize your skin without any side effects. There are many vegetable oils that you can choose to apply to your skin like olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, argan oil, sea buckthorn oil, and more.

3). Avoid Scrubbing Often Peeling

You should not rub with scrub cleaning products sold by pharmacies because these products are too hard for almost any skin type. Instead of using chemical scrubs and packaged toxins, you should peel your skin naturally by using fresh fruit such as fresh mango, fresh pineapple pieces, or crushed strawberries.

4). Keep Healthy Diet And Eat The Right Vitamin

"Diet is just as important, if not more, then exercise."

Another way to get a beautiful skin is to take the right vitamins, and follow a healthy diet that includes plenty of healthy fresh fruit and vegetables, plenty of water and beneficial tea, and minimal alcohol.

In addition, doing sports will make your skin glow more than an expensive moisturizer or cleanser.

You should eat more foods rich in vitamin C because this vitamin can relieve your skin tone and keep your skin supple. Foods rich in vitamin C include sweet peppers, strawberries, tomatoes, melons, green beans, and citrus fruits such as gooseberry, lemon, and orange.

In addition, you also need the help of vitamin A is very useful in maintaining a healthy skin and tight, and clean the skin and spots. Plus, foods containing beta carotene can minimize the effects of sunlight.

Here are excellent foods rich in vitamin A: Papaya, Carrots, Watermelon, Egg yolks, Tomatoes, Oysters, and Nonfat Milk.

5). Drink Lots of Water

Do you want to know how to get beautiful skin by drinking water?

You only need to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Water is essential to improve the functioning of our bodies. Water is needed for many body functions such as digestion, circulation, absorption, respiration, maintenance of standard body temperature, and transport of nutrients.

Water is considered a non-calorie drink. It is also the safest solution to lose weight.

6). How To Get Beautiful Natural Skin - With Good Sleep

If you do not get enough sleep, it will be visible on your face. Your face will look tired and dull. The best solution is not to miss a good night's sleep and also do not stay up late. Lack of sleep will cause blood vessels dilate, resulting in dark circles in the eyes.

In addition, while you are sleeping, your skin experiences recovery, repair, and rebalancing. Therefore, lack of sleep will also interfere with body processes. Only 7 to 8 hours of sleep is needed for skin health. Even so, do not get too sleep soundly, because this can lead to cell damage.

7). Exercise

 "To enjoy good health, you have to exercise."

To get a healthy skin and body, you should do physical exercise at least 30 minutes to a minimum. Dermatologists say that doing exercise will help you improve blood circulation, which in itself will improve skin health.

Exercise will also help you in removing cell debris and free radicals from your body; As a result, exercise will cleanse your body from within.

Furthermore, exercising can help you relieve stress, and this will prevent some stress related skin problems. Moreover, exercise can regulate your body, then make you look beautiful and fresh.

8). Remove Makeup Before Sleep

This is one of the best solutions to eliminate the makeup you need to apply.

  • You mix 1/4 cup virgin olive oil with ¼ cup castor oil.
  • Then you apply the mixture to your face
  • Next, you gently massage your face.
  • You can use this oil mixture gently to remove all your eye makeup.
  • Now, you can dip the cloth into warm water
  • Then, you squeeze all the excess moisture.
  • You will put this cloth on your face
  • You keep it for about a minute
  • Next, you remove all excess oil.
  • Having this simple oil-cleaning solution can help you remove all the dirt.

9). How to Get Beautiful Natural Skin - Sun Protection and Treatment

You need to remember that you are not out of the house without protection! Do you know why? If you do not apply sunscreen lotion when stepping out and exposed to the sun, you will cause damage to your skin.

Always use sunscreen before stepping out in the sun.
Refill sunscreen every 4 or 5 hours.

10). Wash Your Face Before Sleep

Make cleaning your skin a part of your sleep routine to remove makeup, oil and dirt on your face.

  • Use makeup remover
  • Use a mild soap
  • Avoid eye area
  • Rinse your face by splashing water onto your face.
  • Let your face dry

11). Preventing Acne From Forming Up

There are a few hacks of small daily life that you can apply to prevent acne or pimples before they start:

  • Replace pillowcases every 4 or 5 days. With a bacterial and bacteria-free pillowcase, you can stop the skin from erupting overnight.
  • Always keep your hands away from the face.
  • It is necessary to tie your hair back while you sleep. Always keep your hair away from your face while you rest if you have long hair.
  • Stress can cause acne; Therefore, you should make sure you rest well and calm down. Rest your beauty.
  • Change your birth control (for women). Some oral contraceptives containing estrogen may soothe ordinary acne. You should ask your doctor if that is the right choice for you.

Thus explains "35 Natural Tips To Get Beautiful Skin On The Face And Body Of Women", hopefully, can help you find the right skin care solution for your skin type to make your skin glow and beautiful.

However, the article is only for informational purposes, therefore, you should see your doctor for advice before applying a beauty solution at home. Do not forget to share with your friends and relatives about this article, so this article is more useful for the crowd. Thank you...

17 December 2017

CAUTION Diphtheria Disease In Children - Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention

CAUTION Diphtheria Disease In Children - Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention - The Diphtheria epidemic is now widespread throughout the world, therefore we as parents are aware of the impact of Diphtheria disease can attack our sons and daughters.

And we must know about the symptoms, prevention, and the way of treatment so that Children avoid Diphtheria disease that will happen to anyone including the family members we care about.

 Definition of Diphtheria Disease

Diphtheria is a throat and nasal infection caused by a toxin produced by Corynebacterium diphtheriae bacteria. Which can affect adults and children.

Diphtheria is a rare disease since its introduction in Australia, vaccine prevention will be more effective in reducing the risk of diphtheria in your boys.

But a century ago, was the most common cause of infectious death. Outbreaks still occur in countries where vaccination rates are very low.

How to Distribute Diphtheria

People can carry diphtheria bacteria harmlessly in the nose and throat ('Carrier'). Diphtheria bacteria spread when an infected person (patient or carrier) speaks, coughs or sneezes tiny droplets containing infectious agents into the air.

Drops in the air can be inhaled by the people closest to you. Diphtheria bacteria are also spread by indirect contact with hands, tissues or other articles that are dirty by the discharge of the nose and throat, or by indirect contact with skin injuries.

Facts About Diphtheria

Diphtheria is a contagious disease caused by bacteria that usually produce exotoxins that damage human tissue.

Early symptoms of flu-like diphtheria but worsen include fever, swallowing problems, hoarseness, enlarged lymph nodes, cough, and shortness of breath; some patients may have skin involvement, producing skin ulcers.

The history of diphtheria comes from Hippocrates; Once organisms are identified and found to produce exotoxins, vaccine development has significantly reduced diphtheria worldwide.

The cause of diphtheria is infection by Corynebacterium species; The most severe infections are caused by Corynebacterium strains that produce exotoxins.

The highest risk factor for developing diphtheria does not get immunization against this disease; Other factors include crowding, immunosuppression, and direct or indirect contact with infected individuals.

Diphtheria is diagnosed with patient history and physical examination; The Corynebacterium culture of the patient produces a definite diagnosis although the patient should be treated if diphtheria is even suspected.

Treatment of diphtheria involves early antibiotics; The use of antitoxin, made on horses, is done to neutralize Corynebacterium exotoxins that are not yet attached to human tissues.

Diphtheria complications include problems of heart rhythm, sepsis, organ damage, and respiratory problems that can be severe enough to cause death.

If treated appropriately and early in the infection, the prognosis in diphtheria is usually good; However, if complications develop, the prognosis decreases, especially if sepsis and / or cardiac involvement are present.

It is possible to prevent diphtheria; The main way is to properly vaccinate individuals with one of the four major vaccine types present.

The best way to prevent diphtheria is to get vaccinated. In the United States, there are four vaccines used to prevent diphtheria: DTaP, Tdap, DT, and Td. Each of these vaccines prevent diphtheria and tetanus; DTaP and Tdap also help prevent pertussis (whooping cough).

DTaP and DT are given to children under the age of seven, while Tdap and Td are given to older children, adolescents and adults.

What is Diphtheria?

Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by Corynebacterium bacterial species and is most commonly associated with throat pain, fever, and membrane development that adhere to the tonsils and / or nasopharynx.

Severe infection can affect other organ systems such as the heart and nervous system. In addition, some patients with diphtheria may also develop skin infections. Exotoxin produced by bacteria is an important component in causing more severe diphtheria symptoms.

Symptoms and Signs of Diphtheria?

Initially the symptoms of diphtheria may be similar to upper respiratory tract infections but symptoms worsen about two to five days. Symptoms may include:

  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Hard to breath
  • Hoarseness
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Difficulty Swallowing Food
  • Easy Weak
  • Enlarged Lymph Nodes (Mumps)

As the disease progresses, the obedient membrane (pseudomembrane) may begin to include tonsillitis of tonsils, pharynx, and / or nasal. If left untreated, pseudomembranes may extend into the larynx and trachea and block the airway; This can lead to death.

The symptoms of skin diphtheria include early, painful redness lesions that can develop into nonhealing ulcers. Some boils can be covered by a gray membrane.

The History of Diphtheria?

Diphtheria has infected humans for centuries. Hippocrates produced the first documented description of diphtheria in the fifth century BC. This disease has been a leader in causing death, especially in children, for centuries.

Bacteria were first identified in the 1880s by F. Loffler. In the 1890s, exotoxins were discovered. The first diphtheria toxoid vaccine was produced in the 1920s.

Vaccination programs have decreased the incidence of diphtheria worldwide, however, when the vaccination rate goes down, the rate of diphtheria infection increases and, occasionally, a serious disease outbreak occurs.

For example, in the 1990s, the epidemic in Russia caused about 5,000 deaths according to World Health Organization statistics (WHO), and from about 1993-2003, Latvia reported 101 deaths due to diphtheria.

Before diphtheria vaccination program, there are 100,000 to 200,000 cases of diphtheria each year in the U.S., which causes about 15,000 to 20,000 deaths. According to the CDC, fewer than five cases have been reported in the U.S. in the last 10 years.

What Causes Diphtheria?

The cause of diphtheria is a bacterial species called Corynebacterium diphtheriae, a gram-positive bacterium that usually produces exotoxins. There are four main strains (biotype) C. diphtheriae: gravis, intermedius, myitis, and belfanti.

Strains called intermedius are most often associated with exotoxin production although these three strains are capable of producing exotoxins.

The organisms easily attack the tissues lining the throat, and during the invasion, they produce exotoxins that destroy tissue and cause the development of pseudomembrane.

Non-toxin-producing species and other Corynebacterium species such as C. ulcerans can still cause infection, but the infection is less severe and occasionally persists in the skin (skin infection).

Diphtheria Risk Factors?

Since human carriers or symptomatic individuals are the main reservoirs for infection, situations such as population density (dormitories, institutional housing, poor living conditions), incomplete immunizations, and people with impaired immunity are at higher risk of diphtheria.

Diphtheria is transmitted by air droplet inhalation or by direct contact with patients infected with mucosal secretions or skin ulcerations.

Some people may carry bacteria to the respiratory tract but do not show the illness. However, such individuals can still transmit organisms to uninfected individuals.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Diphtheria?

The initial diagnosis of diphtheria is usually done from patient history and physical examination and presence of pseudomembrane formation in the throat.

Confirmation is based on the isolation of organisms from swab specimens taken from the throat or from skin lesions. However, since diphtheria can be lethal, the CDC recommends immediate treatment if diphtheria is suspected; do not wait for laboratory confirmation.

What is the Treatment for Diphtheria?

There are two treatment strategies used for patients diagnosed with diphtheria. Both are most effective when used early in the disease process. The first treatment is antibiotics.

The CDC recommends erythromycin as first-line therapy for patients over 6 months of age. For younger patients or those unable to receive erythromycin, the CDC recommends intramuscular penicillin.

Patients usually do not get an infection after about 48 hours of antibiotic treatment and should be isolated until then to prevent the spread of the disease.

The second treatment is the administration of diphtheria antitoxin. However, this antitoxin is only available from the CDC. Diphtheria antitoxin reduces the progression of this disease by binding to diphtheria diphtheria that has not been attached to body cells.

Antitoxin comes from horses, so recipients should not be treated if they are allergic. Your doctor will make a decision if you only need antibiotics or antibiotics plus antitoxin based on your symptoms, immunization status, and disease progression.

What Are the Possible Complications of Diphtheria?

The worst complication of diphtheria is respiratory failure or death from pseudomembrane formation that inhibits the airway.

Other possible complications include heart problems such as rhythm disturbances, myocarditis, heart block, secondary pneumonia, septic shock, and other organ infections such as the spleen, central nervous system, or cardiac tissue.

What is the Prognosis of Diphtheria?

The prognosis of diphtheria ranges from good to poor, depending on how early the infection is treated by the patient, and how the patient responds to treatment.

If the patient develops sepsis or bacteremia, or if there is cardiac involvement, the prognosis is usually poor.

The highest mortality rate (death) in patients aged less than 5 years and in patients aged over 40 years. The average mortality rate is about 5% -10%.

Is it possible to prevent diphtheria? Is there a diphtheria vaccine?

It is possible to prevent diphtheria; the most effective way is to vaccinate your Children early in their life and to prevent infected people from connecting with uninfected people.

In addition, individuals who carry bacteria can be treated with antibiotics to remove bacteria and thus reduce the possibility of carriers transmitting bacteria to others.

There are vaccines available to protect individuals from diphtheria and all formulations contain toxoid concentrations that stimulate the production of antibodies against diphtheria toxin (D or d).

This toxoid vaccination may also contain asylular pertussis vaccine (aP or ap) and tetanus (T). They are as follows: DTaP, Tdap, DT, and Td. DTaP is a childhood vaccine while Tdap is an adult vaccine.

Perhaps the most important vaccine is DTaP, given at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15-18 months, and 4-6 years.

DT does not contain pertussis and is given to children who have responded to pertussis vaccine; Td is a vaccine for teens and adults given every 10 years as a booster for tetanus.

Tdap has several formulations; CDC in 2012 recommends that Tdap formulation be used as an amplifier to cover pertussis, not just Td formulations against tetanus and diphtheria alone.

Side effects of this vaccine are usually mild like pain or tenderness at the injection site and / or low-grade fever. This effect is usually lost within a day. However, some patients experience more severe symptoms.

Although this is rare, patients who do so should be aware of their reactions and tell the medical caregiver that they may have allergies (eg allergies to tetanus or pertussis vaccines).

12 December 2017

7 Simple Steps Keep Your Body Healthy And Fit

7 Simple Steps Keep Your Body Healthy And Fit - Why should we always maintain health? Sometimes we are always lazy and lose interest to exercise and also eat nutritious food, Maybe you and almost everyone out there always feel the same and tend to be lazy to keep the body healthy.

Studies show that bad habits will impact on health and weight loss drastically if continue to do bad things will have a fatal impact on the future of our body. And for that from now on, you are thinking about how to keep our body well.

What if instead of making some changes in your life by losing weight and maintaining better health, you should decide to cope with some simple changes that are made at any time.

According to a professor of nutrition at Penn State University, named Penny Kris-Etherton, Ph.D., the key to always maintaining health is to take small, positive steps and move forward consistently. "People need to be realistic about the changes they can achieve."

Our Body is a wonderful thing and will work well for you depending on how you take care of it. Your body needs effort and focus on your part to maintain optimal health so you can do your best as possible. Very often injuries and illnesses manifest themselves through lack of care for your body.

For that please see and do "7 Simple Steps Keep Body Healthy and Fit and avoid the threat of disease that attacks your body, the following tips to help you perform positive and small steps every day.

1). Eat Well And Healthy

Our bodies need to get the right nutrients and have the best way to ensure your body gets the intake of good and healthy food ingredients as fuel to keep you fresh and stay afloat. The main emphasis when having to eat healthy should always get balance at its core.

The wisest way to work as well as possible is to focus on the healthy and diverse foods that feed you and meet your nutritional and caloric needs. Your physical health, including bones, muscles, and joints require great care and nutrition.

2). Sports every day

Can be called our body as a machine and keep moving, and Sport is one way to improve cardiovascular fitness, muscle part, and make your joints and bones more trained and strong. And can survive in the weather conditions that come.

You need to know, Sports is also one of the best ways to relieve stress and any mental / emotional stagnation. Choose a sports activity that can increase your heart rate and choose your lung ability, and do it at least even if it is only a 30-minute fast walk in the morning or late afternoon.

Walking is actually a great way to stay active every day, and retaining some kind of formal exercise at least 3 times a week is optimal for your health and well being almost entirely.

3). Sleep Like a Baby

The best way to ensure a good night's sleep is to effectively begin to ease at night, try to avoid using mobile devices, turn off your computer, avoid heavy and heavy meals / caffeine after 6 pm,

Reading a book or listening to soothing music often helps your body in preparation, herbal teas like chamomile (or tea with soothing effects) are also beneficial.

Quality and quantity of sleep is very important for your health and well-being because when you sleep, your body regenerates. Ideally, most adults should target at least 6-8 hours of sleep quality every night.

4). Do the Things You Love

All the work and most of all the activities you do can make you more at risk of stress and health problems. Because we have to anticipate and find time to have fun and vacation or play with family, especially with Children in a quiet and fun place.

Sometimes almost everyone including you can get stuck in everyday life so you can ignore your health and fitness, busy with the community's continuous work and the fun and excitement just ignored. Life is about balance. Always make time in your life for the things that make you happy.

5). Hydration

The best way to maintain health and body is always fit, one of them by avoiding caffeinated drinks and alcohol tend to be dehydrated so it should be limited to the health guidelines and more optimal nutrition of your body.

Staying hydrated is very important for your health. Your body can go for a certain period of time without food but not without water. Your body is made up of about 75% water and forms the basis for metabolic processes, blood, body fluids and digestive juices, and becomes a major component of muscle, fat, and non-fat bone.

6). Stay Flexible And Bendy

Stretching is a key component of every workout and exercise routine that you do. Good flexibility lets you perform tasks better and keep your muscles, bones, and joints supple, and of course, your body's health will be maintained and always stay in shape.

7). Feel Your Body

Many of the aches and pains in our body come from muscle imbalance. Be sure to stretch your body evenly, right vs left, and vs. front. rear (eg quads vs hamstring). Even if you have pain only on one side, you should always stretch both sides.

When stretching, the right position and good posture help reduce shortness and improve overall mobility while minimizing injury. Move as deep as possible into every possible stretch before reaching the point of discomfort.

Stretching should create tension during stretching and subsequent relief. Do not ignore warning signs and aches and pains. Your body speaks to you through signals and signs in physical, mental, or emotional form.

Feeling your body means you can recognize when you feel unwell and take the steps necessary to get yourself better and stay awake and your body will feel better.

Stretching may not be the best answer for every situation. When facing injuries or joints and muscles are very painful, consult your doctor or physical therapist before applying a new stretch.

So a review of "7 Simple Steps to Keep Body Healthy and Fit" and hopefully the above reviews can provide a solution for you who are feeling the symptoms are less healthy and the body feels less fit.

And do not hesitate to share to your relatives and close friends about this review, so that everyone can feel the benefits and know how to maintain health and the body will feel more fit.