Kava is traditionally planted simply by putting the stems and roots into a clean bag that has been perforated, soaking in water, and then squeezing the juice into a bowl.
The Pacific Islands have used kava kava as part of ceremonies and rituals, but today it is commonly used as a social drink, similar to alcohol. In this article, I will introduce 15 benefits of kava kava beauty and health along with its usability and its side effects.
For that, please refer explanation about Kava Kava one of the plants that have benefits for health and beauty. But it has side effects that tend not harmful to humans and can also treat and maintain the health and beauty of someone who consume them.
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Benefits of Health & Beauty Kava Kava |
What Are The Benefits Of Kava Kava And Use On Health & Beauty?
Kava kava can be used to replace prescription antianxiety drugs, including tricyclic antidepressants and benzodiazepines. However, kava kava should not be consumed with prescription drugs. Do not drink alcohol while consuming kava kava.
Since the early 1990s, the business of kava kava promotion has always focused on its capacity to cope with stress, anxiety, and sleep disturbances. It is loaded with chemical compounds called kavalactones which are responsible for the psychoactive nature of this plant.
The root of kava kava contains many important nutrients and organic compounds that make this plant valuable, including water, minerals, starch, protein, kavalakton, and dietary fiber.
Some of the important benefits of kava kava on health and beauty are reducing anxiety, preventing premature aging, reducing weight, reducing menopausal symptoms, helping quitting smoking, relaxing the muscles, helping to sleep, protecting the kidneys, and preventing headaches.
Now, let's take a closer look at the health benefits of kava kava.
1). Treating Headaches & Migraine
Another benefit to health when consuming Kava Kava. Kava kava is a powerful herb, so consuming high levels can cause side effects on your liver. Avoid taking more than the recommended dose.
Kava kava is very useful for treating migraines because it helps to give you a feeling of peace and deep relaxation.
This nature reduces headaches & migraines and improves your sleep without reducing concentration. Simply, take 180 milligrams of kava kava extract a day for 3 days.
2). Helps Stop Smoking
Benefits of Kava Kava In Health, are you a heavy shopper?
Quitting smoking becomes the heaviest when withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings, anxiety, etc. are present. If you can control the withdrawal symptoms, it's easier for you to quit smoking.
And, kava kava can help you overcome these withdrawal symptoms. You can take kava powder by adding it to milk or other beverages. You may also have extracts, capsules, or teas made with roots of kava kava chopped.
3). Other Benefits Kava Kava - Relieve Anxiety and Stress
Other German scientists also compared the use of 100 milligrams of cava kava 3 times per day with a standard dose of two drugs in the family of sedative Valium (Diazepam) in 172 people. Within 6 weeks, the effectiveness of three treatments is the same.
Two teams of researchers in Britain and Germany carried out sophisticated statistical tests on the research of this herb for anxiety. The British team reviewed 7 experiments; German team reviewed 6 experiments. In both analyzes, this herb proved to be an effective drug for anxiety.
Symptoms of anxiety, including nervousness, dizziness, and anxiety, have been liberated by using kava kava. In 2003, German researchers compared 400 milligrams of kava kava per day with a standard dose of two drugs used for anxiety in 129 people. After 2 months, the effectiveness of three treatments is the same.
4). The Benefits Of Kava Kava On Health - Get Rid Of Gingivitis
Mix the same part of kava kava powder and myrrh powder with 5 drops of essential oil and 1 tsp. white oak solution to make a paste. Then, take this paste and brush your teeth every day.
5). Treating Night Sugar, Toothache, & Throat
The antiseptic, anesthetic, and anti-inflammatory effects of kava kava can help relieve pain caused by gum during the afternoon, toothaches, and throat in the afternoon.
For chewing gum and daytime tooth, chew 1/4 of the root part dry for 5 to 10 minutes or rub a drop of oil onto the affected tooth or gum. For the throat of the afternoon, you may chew a small piece of kava root or drink a cup of tea twice a day.
6). Benefits of Kava Kava Can Treat Insomnia
According to a study from Germany, people suffering from anxiety associated with sleep deprivation and treatment with 200 km of kava kava every day experienced better sleep quality after 1 month compared with the placebo team.
Taking kava kava before bed has been shown to cause deep sleep. It runs on sleep quality and reduces the time it takes to fall asleep.
Or, you can mix 1 tsp. Kava kava powder with 1 glass of clean water to get kava kava tea. Now, wait about 15 minutes and drink this tea before going to bed while stirring occasionally.
7). Benefits of Kava Kava Can Treat Urinary Tract Infection
You can add kava powder to the water and mix it thoroughly for 10 minutes with a blender. Then, filter kava kava with a sieve, wire mesh, or a thin cotton cloth. Finally, consume this solution.
The antibacterial and antifungal effects of kava kava help to overcome the infection of the bladder. Kava kava is also diuretic, so it can flush all the bacteria that cause germs in the bladder and help cure this health problem and some other bladder infections.
8). Treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
According to the researchers, the actual effectiveness of kava kava in curing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may be due to sedative properties and the ability to improve cognition.
According to a 2011 article published in "Complementary Therapies in Medicine", kava kava is also an effective treatment for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
After reviewing studies that evaluated the effects of nutritional supplements on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, they concluded that this herb showed potential as a great treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
9). Treating Menopausal Symptoms
Researchers also found that kava kava is more effective than ginkgo and valerian in treating menopausal symptoms. Therefore, you should add kava kava in capsule or tea form into your daily routine.
According to a study in 2003, kava kava helps to overcome mood problems that occur in menopausal women by lowering anxiety levels.
10). Helps Body Building
Fortunately, kava kava tea is a diuretic; This can help remove excess water from the body. Do not miss this tea if you want to build muscle now.
In fact, the proper removal and care of water is inevitable to build the body, especially muscle formation because excessive water retention can cause disasters to build muscle and get the right tone.
11). Helps Lose Weight
Benefits of Kava Kava Beauty, Stress and anxiety is one of the main reasons for weight gain. Stress increases the production of cortisol - a stress hormone that initiates some metabolic reactions that affect your weight.
Cortisol increases the release of sugars and burns fat to energize your body in a fight-or-flight response. Cortisol causes your body to fill your energy even though you have not used calories in a lot of pressure.
This makes you very hungry. As a result, your body continues to pump out cortisol when stress continues. Fortunately, kava kava helps control your weight by overcoming stress and anxiety.
12). Treating Kidney Stones - Health Benefits Kava Kava
Therefore, when looking for natural treatments for kidney stones, do not miss kava kava. You can drink kava kava in capsule or tea form. Remember to consult your doctor before taking kava capsule kava.
Kava kava acts as a natural calcium channel blocker that interferes with the movement of calcium. Kava kava has also been used for urethral relaxation. In addition, it also helps reduce the risk of kidney stones effectively.
13). The Benefits of Kava Kava Beauty - Fighting Premature Aging
Collagen is responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. Although many moisturizers and skin creams promise to restore skin collagen; If collagen production is naturally reduced, skin cream does not help.
Instead, strain a cup of kava kava tea regularly to reduce stress and prevent aging. One of the main factors of aging is obviously stress.
Stress can reduce physiological reactions in your body that affect the skin and cause the release of stress hormones (cortisol). This will reduce the production of collagen in the body.
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14). Benefits of Kava Kava - Preventing Cancer
In this report, they gave mice with colon cancer of kava kava extract. After 14 weeks, the mice had fewer tumors than the other group, which did not use kava kava. After all, these researchers concluded that the anti-carcinogenic properties of this herb reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.
According to a 2012 report in "Nutrition and Cancer" published by researchers at the University of Minnesota, kava kava can help give you a lower risk of getting the type of cancer.
What Are Side Effects Using Kava Kava?
Early signs of liver damage are tiredness, dark urine, and yellowing of the eyes and skin. If you still want to consume kava kava, be sure to test your liver function as often as possible.
Kava kava does not seem safe to drink. Serious diseases, such as liver damage, have occurred even with normal doses in the short term. Using this herb in small doses for 1 to 3 months has led to a liver transplant or even death.
Using kava kava may prevent you from operating the machine or driving safely. Avoid consuming kava kava before driving.